Filip is 11 years old. He was born a healthy boy and was actively engaged in sports. He practices karate and is a goalkeeper. In July 2019 Filip was diagnosed with a large brain tumour (Lat. craniopharyngioma adamantinomatous).
It was removed on 22nd July 2019 at Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, and since then Filip has been under the care of neurosurgeons, endocrinologists and ophthalmologists.
Filip returned to school and his normal routines as his health improved greatly. Unfortunately a follow-up MRI was heartbreaking, as it has shown us that the tumour returned and is growing back fast. Another operation is necessary by the end of January, followed by radiotherapy.
We are fighting for the best treatment for Filip, and we are currently consulting for neurosurgery in Tubingen and proton therapy in Essen. Proton therapy is the most effective, and gives the best health benefits out of all available treatments. However, the cost of treatment exceeds our financial capability.
That is why we really need your support.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much
You can help Filip by making payments in the account:
Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym Kawałek Nieba
swift code: WBKPPLPP
Santander Bank
Title: “2495 Help for Filipa Kazmierczak”
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