Unfortunately, life isn’t always so beautiful and full of colours…We still cannot believe it all..but we are starting a hard fight, a fight with cancer – neuroblastoma, that sadly started to attack our little daughter Maja.
Who could believe that a small stomachache would be a beginning of the fight for life of our little daughter.
Maja is only 2 years old and she needs to have a second fight for her life, but this time her enemy, that she has to deal with, is really stronger and more dangerous than before. The cancer is just slowly killing her whole organism. The neuroblastoma cancer is a really rare cancer, that attacks usually kids and begins its destruction in abnominal cavity ,adrenal glands, chest, near to spine and inside the bones neither.
Maja is a really strong girl, a fighter who fights for her health and life from the early beginning of her life. Due to a sudden loss of pregancy, Maja was the most awaited child in the world.
Our little girl was born April 3th 2020 and she was the most beautiful and grateful birthday’s gift her mom could ever get. From the very beginning, it was known that her body is not doing really well. She was born with congenital heart defect. The diagnostic was known at the second day of her birth. Ventricular septal defect in her heart was a hard life-threatening. The operation was needed and was done October 14th in hospital in Warsaw (Poland city Warszawa). The defect has been fully corrected but sadly she got a very big scar along her breastbone. In the after operation time and in the period of sudden intensive growth and development, Maja got a year long cardiac rehabilitation.
The treatments were necessary to get her healthy back and also to keep up with development of others kids neither.
One year after Maja’s birth, in the world appeared her little sister Zoja, just our fulfillment of happiness. Unfortunately,2 days after her birth, we got a next shot…the fate was extremely cruel for us again- the diagnostic was sure. Zoja was born with a really complicated heart defect and she needed,as fast it was possible, an operation to save her life.
In the moment we thought, its gonna be better and that everything the worst is behind us and that we can finally start everything from the beginning, live a normal life, the life sadly had a diffrent plan for us. In April 2020,passed away our dear mother and her favourite and ,,lovely granny,, , who sadly lost her fight with cruel cancer.
Until the time that she got the diagnostic, Maja had been a really happy and full of life girl, who was always smiling. Until August 2020 she was behaving and growing up as a normal kid, we didn’t see anything bad.
Between July and August of 2022, Maja struggled with a constant classic gastrointestinal flu. On 7th of August Maja was sent to hospital in Koszalin (Polish city), where they found a tumor in her stomach. Unfortunately, abdominal ultrasound has shown that her tumor is really big – it is 47mmx25mmx48mm and it is located in paravertebral area.
Maja has immediately been transported to the clinic in Szczecin (Polish city). During this time, the first tests began. The computer tomography has confirmed that the tumor in Maja’s stomach is quite big and causes anxiety. Probably, the tumor has started growing during the pregnancy period. August 23rd 2022, Maja’s first biopsy was performed, which has shown that these are the reactive lymph nodes. The control topography, which took place on 15th of September, showed that the tumor is stable and doesn’t cause anxiety. At this moment we thought that there will remain only the memories in form of another big scar on the stomach. However, there is something like reliable mother’s intuition, which did not allow to stand by. We were all anxious about Maja’s endless weakness, bad mood, no appetite, stomachache, diarrhoea and her vomits. On 6th of October 2022, it took place Maja’s visit with specialist of oncology in Wrocław (Polish city). During this visit it was confirmed that this tumor is not a reactive lymph nodes but a cancer. There wan an immediate need to perform another biopsy, which took place on 25th of October 2022.
We still feel like living in the horrible nightmare, ocean of tears we’re crying out.. and we are expecting the worst case scenario.
Our lives has been turned upside down for the worse once again – the results came back to us on November 7th 2022 and they were terryfying, they confirmed that tumor in Maja’s stomach is malignant-nauroblastomy. We’re parents of an ill for cancer kid. It is the worst and a really rare type (only 40-70 confirmed sick in a year) of cancer for kids. Unfortunately, Maja is one of those unlucky kids that has to deal with this horryfiyng, deathly illness that destroys her little body.
Now, Maja’s situation is really serious, smiles are fading away and her health is getting worse and worse. We have to look at our kid getting weaker and weaker everyday trying to understand why it had to touch her from all people, why She has to suffer so much even though she barely went out of the hospital after she was born. Our little honey stopped moving around on her own, her legs and arms are trembling making her unable to hold the bottle of milk on her own. We see fear in her eyes. Loss of appetite, repeating vomiting, her eyes moving on her own, uncoordinated body movements, speech disorders – almost unable to speak at all, are really keeping us awake at night, but the worst is how helpless we feel. Maja’s health is really at a dramatic level, our daughter is in her own world, a lack of sleep, she doesnt have any power to play with anyone or even power to satisfy her basic needs. She has hysterical attacks that are awaken by the most trivial matters, but once she does it, its really hard to calm her down. She is feeling weaker and weaker everyday, but all we see and feel is emptiness.
Her situation is not only hard for us and Maja, but for our whole family. It’s really hard for us to understand why Our, always smiling honey bee has to suffer so much and why her whole childhood is passing her by, she should play with other kids right now, her younger sister or even her cousins that she has so many of. It isn’t the childhood and life that we wanted for her. It’s a situation that even as adults we can’t explain to ourselves so how can fate expect a little two and a half year old girl like her to understand it all, when she already spent half of her life in a hospital bed.
Now everything is going in an extreme pace. Maja was in a hospital in Koszalin (Polish city) from 6th to 8th of November in 2022, then she was transported to the Clinic in Szczecin (Polish city). Right now she is waiting for help.
After a bunch of visits to multiple doctors in Poland we heard, that this tumor cannot be operated, that’s why we had to search for a Clinic in the whole Europe while holding back our tears. That’s how we found our and Maja’s last and only hope, our light at the end of the tunnel.
We have contacted a clinic located in Barcelona – “SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital” which is one of the best clinics in the field of treatment neuroblastoma in the whole world. Full diagnosis is waiting for us in Barcelona. The tests will show us the advanced level of this deadly illness and will help us decide about instant start of getting treatment – chemotherapy, radiotherapy and removal of tumor. Unfortunately, to get this full diagnosis and treatment we need to gather an enormous amount of money – 2 million zlotych (data from estimate)! Additionally, we have little amount of time, because of worsening health condition of Maja, who is getting weaker day by day.
She is only two and half years old and she has her lifetime ahead.
Maja needs as quickly as it is possible to get a travel to Barcelona to fight with this horrible sickness and win her life.
We are praying! We are just praying, that she is gonna do it…but now we have a huge time limit…a fight with time…for Maja’s life.
Maybe life doesnt have always a good ending, but that it is why it is really good to leave something behind. We beg for help and support by saving Maja’s life. We believe, that in this world there are lots of really good people who won’t be untouched about fate of our little honey, who has to deal with this extremely horrible monster and also a really huge enemy.
We please, let’s join us, let’s fight together about little kid’s life.
We know that there are a lot of kids in the whole world who need help but Maja is one of them neither but for us she is just OUR WHOLE WORLD!
We are thankful!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Marta and Pawel – Maja’s parents ❤️❤️
You can help Maja by making payments on the account:
Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym Kawalek Nieba
swift code: WBKPPLPP
Santander Bank
Title: 3400 Help for Maja Nadarzynska
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