Children and Ill People Help Foundation “A Piece of Heaven” was established in order to help in treatment – to save lives and health of sick and disabled children and to help children suffering from malnutrition, poverty and other difficult life situations.
We help children – buy medicaments, finance medical treatment and life-saving operations, rehabilitation and medical equipment. We feed poor children in schools. We also help children who lost a parent as well as those whose parents are seriously ill, and very often we help children harmed by domestic violence – we run ”The Children’s Ambulance”.
Examples of our help are described on the ”Child treatment” and ”For hungry children” page. . Several of the children are presented with photos on the ”Children’s appeal” page.
Our Foundation doesn’t have paid employees. We work only on voluntary basis. All administrative costs associated with maintaining the Foundation and other activities are covered by the Founder who set up our Foundation. Because of this each donated support is used only to help children.
We managed to help more than 340.000 sick and poor children or adults.
In our Foundation, every day we see mothers who do not sleep whole nights, because they don’t know if their child is still breathing… Mothers who are experiencing great pain and suffering, because their tiny infant who was born so recently, is being taken away for resuscitation, and the doctor say words that are as a conviction for her and the baby for fight for a whole lifetime: “cancer – neuroblastoma”, “cerebral palsy”, “heart failure HLHS”, “cancer – retinoblastoma”, “damage to four lobes of brain”, “retinopathy – child blindness”, “hydrocephalus”, etc … . It turns into dust the world of dreams about looking how fast your baby grows, about seeing it’s first steps… The world turns into a constant battle for it’s life and health. The saddest ward – pediatric oncology – may become a new home among babies with bare heads, who are gone so quickly… Life can also change into a continuous duration at the ch
ild’s bed and fight for every additional hour of rehabilitation and medications that after many years of hardships, pain and sacrifice make that the mother sees the first steps of their child or hear the first word “mommy” … We try together with the mum to stand to fight for help to her child. We have already managed to help thousands of children in treatment and difficult live situations as well as costly cancer treatment, expensive operations, purchasing medical equipment and life-saving medicines…
Every day we have children abandoned, surviving after trauma of abuse by a parent, children who are lonely and rejected, not knowing yet how much this hurt will weigh on their whole life… It is also one of the greatest sufferings, because a child more than anything in the world needs to be loved, needs to be “someone’s” … Our Foundation runs „The Children’s Ambulance”. From curators, social welfare workers, carers in educational centers and schools we reach the most needy children and help to provide what they lack in terms of treatment and feeding.
We try to be very close to the suffering people, not only to help them materially for treatment, but also to suport them mentally and spiritually, because we know how important is the help which is close to heart… For us it is so important that no one is left alone with his grief, loneliness, poverty… We try to let them know that they have support, that they are not left without help, sentenced to such a difficult fate, without warm hand of another person…